Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is spotting in Battlefield Bad Company 2?

Hi, I play Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PC, and what is spotting?

Can someone please give me a list of controls for the game for PC?|||Spotting means to report the position of the enemy so he will appear in the radar, most of servers support 3D spotting. Spotting is crucial to enhance victory chance and to bust enemies upon bunch up, when someone kills an enemy you have spotted then you will earn 10 points (For team member kill) or 20 points (For squad member kill).

You can spot your enemy simply by pointing on them using your site and pressing "Q" key, you can also spot vehicles in the game not only infantry.

You can see the list of controls from Options list from the main, these keys will differ depending on your situation. On Foot, in Vehicle, or a Pilot.|||Spotting is when your aiming your sights down at an enemy player and press "select" on PS3 or "back" on 360 I'm not sure for PC, but it shows a little orange marker above the enemy players head and the rest of your team can see him so they will shoot him and help you, its usually good for snipers.

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